PDP Austin's April 2020 Monthly Dinner Connect (Virtual)

PDP Austin's April 2020 Monthly Dinner Connect (Virtual)

It's time for Austin's Polka Dot Powerhouse April 2020 VIRTUAL Connect! Join us to learn from, network with, and be inspired by other area female professionals, business owners, volunteers, entrepreneurs, and visionaries from the comfort of your home! 

Please feel free to join us VIRTUALLY this month due to the precautions that Austin restaurants are taking to close in-room dining until May 1, 2020.

Chapter or Visiting Members are always welcome! New or prospective members can join us at polkadotpowerhouse.com. All guests are welcome and able to attend one FREE event.

Come prepared to tell us about your passions and why you are doing what you do, come ready to celebrate you and your accomplishments, and come ready to collaborate with another Dot or two. 

Featured Speaker: Merrick Weaver, founder and CEO of Binderful

Topic: "Look To The Moon For Entrepreneurial Inspiration"

The moon is a powerful source of inspiration, knowledge and the foundation of women's leadership. She guides us through the cycles of our lives, whether we pay attention to her or not. Her rhythms can center us in a new, organic way of thinking about our own leadership. She is a mirror, reflecting the light of the sun and guiding us through the dark of night.
The version of leadership we've been sold doesn't take into account how women live and lead. Explore how the moon controls the tides and many cycles of our life. Dive into the non-traditional leadership traits inspired by the moon, including connection, credit distribution, and cooperation. Tap into your personal style of leadership by harnessing rhythms and setting boundaries.
About Featured Speaker: Merrick Weaver is the founder and CEO at Binderful, a megaphone for women. Her career began in elementary school as a community organizer when she developed a neighborhood recycling campaign. After college, she spent two years as a medical assistant at a women's health clinic in Austin and later channeled her inner Leslie Knope at Tri-County Health Department in Colorado. Since her days as a public servant, she’s been a non-profit executive director and a strategic planning consultant.
She got her BA in Latin American Studies & Plan II from the University of Texas at Austin (HOOK 'EM!) and Master's from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She’s a certified Hatha Yoga instructor and teaches Mindfulness as a Leadership Practice for the Denver Community Leadership Forum. She lives in Denver with her husband and two kids. She’s devoted to developing women's leadership capacity so that they may brave the wilderness and lead their families and communities through uncertainty.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/binderful
Website: www.binderful.com  

Seating is still limited! We are asking that you continue to register to save your seat so that we can send out a roster via e-mail prior to the Virtual Connect Meeting. Guests are still - and always - welcome to attend our Virtual Connect Meeting!

Please log in by 6:15-6:20 as the meeting will begin promptly at 6:30PM! Bookmark the Virtual Monthly Connect Zoom Link here: https://zoom.us/j/640256692

Our group is welcoming and excited to shine bright in Texas; so even if you come alone you won't feel alone. Register now! We look forward to "rocking the dot" with you! See you there!

Please contact Managing Director - Whitney Fields (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information about joining our chapter!

Stay up to date on chapter news, events and special announcements at www.facebook.com/PDPAustin!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 04-14-2020 6:30 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 04-14-2020 8:30 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 32
Remaining Seats Available 3
Speaker Merrick Weaver
Location Virtual via Zoom

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting